
My consulting model supports growth and learning through workshops and one-on-one coaching in the in-person or virtual setting. With my experience as a classroom teacher, teacher trainer and curriculum developer, and my research background with UCLA, I offer educators expert, cutting-edge guidance grounded in classroom practice. I observe, model, co-teach, and build relationships. Please peruse my pages and writings to become familiar with my offerings. Interested in working together? Email me through my contact page and I look forward to helping you meet your goals.

Reggio Emilia-inspired Curriculum Design

I offer Reggio Emilia-inspired programs and schools support for creating emergent curriculum and teacher training in inquiry- and play-based learning, arts-integration, SEL & ELA integrated learning, reflective circles, language development and school-family relationship building. I also offer public and private schools looking for professional development conferences focused on social-emotional learning, inquiry- and play-based learning, and/or arts-integration.

Restorative Justice Practices

Restorative justice (RJ) practices have been gaining traction in schools across the United States over the last decade as alternatives to traditional discipline and zero tolerance policies. Rather than solely punishing offenders, Restorative justice practices focus on identifying and repairing the harm caused by violation of an agreement or a crime rather than punishing the violator, restoring relationships and trust, and supporting students in becoming accountable and responsible to their actions.

Are you a school or educational program looking to implement RJ practices? I work with educators who are interested in shifting towards using RJ practices, including community circles and conflict mediations, to improve school climate, foster positive relationships, and ensure anti-bias and anti-racist approaches in discipline.

Social-Emotional Learning Integration & Trauma Informed Teaching Practices

Social-emotional learning, or SEL, is often spoken of as the key “missing piece” in education. Studies show that pro-social behaviors are a better indicator of a child’s future academic success than his/her reading level in early childhood. Yes, it’s that important. Following the major life changes brought about by COVID-19, many children are experiencing heightened anxiety and stress. More than ever, it’s essential for educators to facilitate the development of social and emotional wellbeing in schools, making for happy, healthy and emotionally intelligent students.

I offer workshops and one-on-one coaching for educators and support staff on a variety of SEL-related topics including but not limited to:

  • Integrated SEL, inquiry-based English Language Arts lessons with CASEL-aligned goals (ex. emotional regulation, inter-personal skills development, collaboration skills development)
  • Emotional Vocabulary Development using Anchor charts, Feelings Chart work & ELA integrated lessons
  • Community Circles, Reflective Listening
  • ELA integrated Empathy Education